Where to buy online:
Nomadik Creative’s Etsy shop (click here)

Robb is the designer behind Nomadik Creative and, after walking away from a career in photography, has found his niche in wood-working. He handcrafts gorgeous wooden pipes, pendants, bedframes, even knives from his shop in Nanaimo, B.C., on Vancouver Island. He sources almost all of his raw materials locally, from local retailers and locally owned businesses, or from parks, yards and other areas where trees are wind-felled or being trimmed or removed for safety reasons.
Robb is a stay at home dad living with chronic pain and illnesses, and working in the wood shop gives this Vancouver Island woodworker the ability to work and create when he is able. Robb is completely self-taught in everything he does, and he loves experimenting, creating and learning new skills.
He cuts, measures, drills, and sands, all without the aid of mass production. Each pipe that he makes is a labor of love, putting hours of effort into each one. All of his creations are intricate and hand-crafted, each a functional one of a kind work of art!
Recent successes have buoyed his confidence in his work and he is looking forward to continued commissions and growth.
All of Robb’s handcrafted pipes and wooded creations are handmade in Nanaimo, B.C., on Vancouver Island.